Conceptual generalizations as for the content of individual socio-psychological characteristics of personality development as a leader


  • Mykhaylo Moroz Famifarm Oy, Varkaus, Finland, Фінляндія
  • Roosa Veronika Laamanen Savonia University of applied sciences, Varkaus, Finland, Фінляндія


Ключові слова:

personality of a leader, social and psychological characteristics, socialization, institutes and institutions, human “I”, adolescence, development, subjects and objects of development


The article is devoted to the problems of the leader's personality development in the context of the content of individual socio-psychological aspects of its formation. An attempt on the specification of the objects and the process of development of the individual leader and clarified the nature of the development process within the general content of the interpretation of the relevant category. There were considered several specific age periods of personal development (adolescence) in the context of their compliance with the main periods of human socialization and development of leadership qualities. The place and role of public institutes and institutions in shaping personality traits of new leader. In addition, the article contains the conclusions and generalizations about the content of individual socio-psychological characteristics of the leader's personality development

Біографії авторів

Mykhaylo Moroz, Famifarm Oy, Varkaus, Finland

quality control and operations manager on production line, Famifarm Oy, Varkaus, Finland

Roosa Veronika Laamanen, Savonia University of applied sciences, Varkaus, Finland

Project assistant and administrator for Savonia University of applied sciences, Varkaus, Finland


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Формування особистості лідера