Аналіз особливостей розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційної компетентності майбутніх учителів правознавства
https://doi.org/10.20998/%25xКлючові слова:
інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, компетентність, учитель правознавстваАнотація
У статті проаналізовано поняття “інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність”, наведено авторське визначення “інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність учителя правознавства”, розглянуто особливості розвивального потенціалу інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в системі підготовки майбутніх учителів правознавства до професійної діяльності в умовах вищого педагогічного навчального закладу.
The article analyzes the concept of “information and communication competence”, given the author's definition of “information and communication competence of the law teacher”. The features of the developing potential of information and communication technologies in the training of future law teacher to the profession in a higher educational institution.
Professional competence of a teacher is defined as a dynamic, multifaceted and multilayered notion, the meaning of which changes according to the current processes in the society and education. On the basis of the normative documents regulating the work of teacher training institutions, the subject standard of higher education in Ukraine and the analysis of the works of teachers, psychologists, physiologists, the notion of the professional competence of a law teacher is as follows: it is an integrative characteristic of a person who has got theoretical knowledge, practical skills and inborn attitudes, as well as relevant moral qualities that foster the personal growth of students and their law knowledge with the help of modern educational methods and technologies.
It goes without saying that the formation of the professional competence is combined with the attitude of prospective law teachers to their profession based on the understanding of its importance as well as the need for constant professional development. It is also very important for teachers to be ready for relevant legal defence and to develop competence in law of the students as well.
The component structure of the professional competence of prospective law teachers has been analyzed. Professional competence of law teachers includes key, basic and special competences. The special competences of prospective law teachers are presented as a possible realization of key and basic competences in educational, law and managerial activities. It has been determined that the structure of professional competence should be altered and corrected from time it time due to the rapid development of science and educational environment.
New ways of law teachers’ professional training are necessary to find and develop. It is essential that knowledge is not just transmitted to students but that they develop skills for solving law problems with the help of ICT. The implementation of the competence approach into law teachers’ training presupposes development and practical application of integrated courses in which the subjects are correlated with different types of competences such as linguistic and informational ones. The public law awareness can be achieved with the help of modern state-of-the-art technologies.
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