https://doi.org/10.20998/%25xКлючові слова:
ділова гра, інженер-педагог, кейс, концепція, латеральне мислення, метод, творча діяльність, тренінгАнотація
У статті розглянуто підходи до адаптації концепції латерального мислення Е. Боно в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх інженерів-педагогів в умовах впровадження інноваційних технологій. Серед методів цієї концепції подано такі, як методи: “Плюс – мінус – цікаво”; “Наслідки і результат”; “Альтернативи, можливості, вибір”, “Цілі, напрями, задачі ”, “Шість капелюхів мислення”. Їх використання в процесі організації навчальних тренінгів, ділових ігор, вирішення кейсів сприяє активізації творчої діяльності студентів.
The article discusses approaches to adapt the concert of lateral thinking E.Bono in the training of future engineers and educators in terms if innovative technologies. This is due to the fact that today there is a contradiction between the demands of society to the formation of the engineer-teacher as an innovative personality and lack of development of the necessary tools to enhance the creative work of these professionals. Contradiction amplified active introduction to the educational process of innovative technologies (training sessions, business games, and other cases).
The key notion of concepts a concept E.Bono lateral (non-standard) thinking. This thinking is understood as a specific information processing, which aims to replace the existing models stereotyped perception of the world to an alternative. This becomes possible due to the fact that people in the chaos of information is suitable idea. According to scientists, this kind of thinking available to anyone who wants to find in any problematic situation something new.
Among the methods of concept E.Bono article describes such a method as “Plus –Minus – Interesting”; method of “Consequences and Sequel”; method “Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices”; method “Aims, Goals and Objectives”, method “Random Input”, method “Six Thinking Hats”. The basis of the organization of creative activity of the future engineers and educators in the conditions of use these methods become problematic situations and tasks. They were considered as a kind of “bridge” that connects the training specialist with the actual conditions of his future career. Considered, the smaller the gap will be between them, the easier it will be held in the subsequent process of acclimatization in the profession. It is shown that the use of the concept of E.Bono is organizing training sessions, business games. Solving cases helps to activate the creative activity of students.
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