Education for sustainable development
DOI:Ключові слова:
sustainable development, education, equilibrium, environmentАнотація
Sustainable development is the development that aims at meeting the needs of the current generations, without compromising the possibility of future generations to satisfy their own needs. To understand this, we must be educated in this spirit. Education for sustainablе development also brings new motivation for educational act, therefore giving the possibility to those involved to participate creatively in identifying the solutions and evaluating the alternatives for creating a sustainable development. Education should be based on values, healthy values, such as responsibility, tolerance, honesty and respect for what is around us and it should accept the challenges that complexities may cause.
Gerhard Schröder, cuvânt înainte la raportul de progres 2004 al guvernului
federal german: "Perspektiven für Deutschland. Unsere Strategie für eine nachhaltige
Entwicklung - Perspective pentru Germania. Strategia noastră pentru o dezvoltare durabilă.
Willi Linder, Hohe Ansprüche; în: umwelt & bildung 3/2004.
Consiliul Uniunii Europene,
Strategia de Dezvoltare Durabilă a UE revizuită, Bruxelles, 26 iunie 2006.
UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development in Action, “Guidelines and Recommendations
for Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability”, Technical Paper N° 2,
UNESCO, Education for Sustainable Development in Action, “Good Practices in Education
for Sustainable Development: Teacher Education Institutions”, Good Practices N°1,
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