Профессиональное самосознание будущих психологов в условиях выбора специализации
В статье обсуждаются виды специализаций профессии “психолог” в современном обществе, их восприятие будущими психологами с точки зрения сферы и технологий деятельности. Приводятся данные исследования содержания профессионального самосознания и характеристик эмоциональных аспектов профессионального самоопределения студентов-психологов, находящихся в ситуации выбора дальнейшего конкретного профессионального пути. Обсуждаются условия формирования адекватной профессиональной идентичности студентов-психологов в вузе.
In contemporary Ukraine professional activities of psychologists expand and become directly related not only to the interests of individuals, but also organizations and the general public, there are new specialization of the profession. The peculiarity of becoming a professional psychologist is that getting psychological education does not guarantee the quality of its direct occupation. Professionalization of the expert in the field of psychology is closely related to the adequacy of the development of personality structures, as a professional identity, professional identity, professional self-concept. To be held as a specialist in the field of psychological practice is not only important to have knowledge, but also to be prepared personally to their use. The success of entry into the profession of psychologist is associated with an acute awareness of the students choice of specialization and the formation of an adequate professional identity. The article discusses the types of specializations profession "psychologist" in modern society. Compared specific security training in two specialties: a counselor and organizational psychologist.
The future psychologist is in a situation of choice further specific career path is an important recognition of certain "career" aspects, essentially determine the practical activities:
1. Belonging to the system: the activity in the system (a rigid authoritarian or more democratic); or outside the system - freelance.
2. Semantic aspect: the essence of - help, training, research; work with the normal or pathological, deviation.
3. Social services: education, medicine, business, science, law enforcement agencies, transportation, manufacturing, policy, etc.
4. The main object of activity: individual psychological symptoms, group processes, the specific area of psychological phenomena.
5. Tools and technology activities: training, consulting, research methods, psychological testing, and others.
Presentations of students-psychologists are in-process analyzed on the choice of sphere and technologies of future activity. The data content of the study of professional identity and characteristics of the emotional aspects of professional self-determination of students of psychologists in situations of choice of further specific career path. These studies indicate that in the context of traditional teaching at the university there is confusion in the perception of future psychologists boundaries of professional specialization, representation in this area little differentiated and contradictory. The study confirmed the hypothesis that students-graduates (4th year, bachelors) compared to students in the 3rd year largely an emotional identification with a particular specialization in the field of psychological practice. It was also found that the reflection with the sign «-» have a majority of students, and 3 and 4 courses. An important condition for the formation of professional identity is the organization of the future psychologist learning environment capable of providing practical test ideas psychology student of himself as the subject of professional activity.
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