Личностный подход в изучении готовности будущих менеджеров к профессио-нальной деятельности


  • Valentyn Kobets Національний технічний університет “Харків-ський політехнічний інститут”, Україна



Ключові слова:

готовность к профессиональной деятельности, будущие менеджеры, структура лич-ностной готовности, самоэффективность, качества личности


В статье рассмотрена сущность личностной готовности студентов-менеджеров к профессиональной деятельности и её структура. В качестве ее характеристики был использован показатель самоэффективности в предметной деятельности. На основе эмпирического исследования показана роль отдельных качеств личности в достижении ею высокого уровня самоэффективности. Таким образом, личностная готовность студентов к будущей профессиональной деятельности выражается в интеграции личностных характеристик студентов в соответствии с уровнем их самоэффективности. Она влияет на организацию их поведения в процессе обучения путем самоконтроля и самоуправления. Для ее целенаправленного формирования необходимо психолого-педагогическое воздействие преподавателей и оказание ими помощи в процессе самопознания студентов и осознания своей Я-концепции.


The article discusses the essence of personal readiness of students-managers to professional work and its structure. This is the combination of person’s representations that he has professionally important qualities, and his confidence that in situations of professional activity he can actualize and skillfully use a complex set of these qualities that provide success in the fulfillment of his tasks.

The self-efficacy index in purposeful activity has been used as a feature of personal readiness of students for professional work. This feature is a characteristic of labor productivity according to results of international researches.

The objective of this article is to show the study results of the content structure of students-managers personal readiness during their study at the university and the role of individual personality traits to achieve its high level of self-efficacy in purposeful activity and, consequently, in the educational, cognitive and future professional activity. According to this study for students with average and high levels of self-efficacy the highest priority is the presence of the main goals in life (1st place), self-confidence (2nd place), the application of the «golden rule of morality» (3rd place), initiative and leadership (3rd and 4th place), self-control (4th and 6th place), enthusiasm (7th and 5th places). The priority of the presence of the main goal in life and self-confidence is at the place number four and five for students with the below average level of self-efficacy. The self-control (1st place), imagination (2nd place), independence (3rd place) have a higher priorities for them. Apparently, these students have fuzzy goals and lack of self-confidence and to a large extent dependent on external circumstances. They try to control the circumstances and did not attach great importance to the definition of the main goals for themselves and build self-confidence and tolerance, imagination and cooperation. These data show that this group of personality traits inherent to students with high self-efficacy can be considered as a guarantee of their professional success.

Thus, personal readiness of students to their future professional activity is expressed in the integration of the personal characteristics of students in accordance with their level of self-efficacy. Personal readiness affects the organization of their behavior in the process of learning through self-monitoring and self-management. For purposeful formation of personal readiness the psychological and educational impact of teachers and their help in the process of self-knowledge and the self-concept of students are necessary.

Біографія автора

Valentyn Kobets, Національний технічний університет “Харків-ський політехнічний інститут”

старший викладач кафедри фінансів Національного технічного університету “Харківський політехнічний інститут”


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Методологія педагогіки у сучасній освіті