
  • Zinaida Chervanova National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Україна


Ключові слова:

leader, charisma, charismatic leadership, leader's energy, social group.


We consider the problem of charismatic leadership, its features, components
and manifestations. We formulate the main features of CL that enforce his/her ability to lead
his/her followers. They are: (i) independence of judgments and decision-making; (ii) independence
as an ability to fully rely on ownself; (iii) activity and energy, suggestive abilities,
listening skills, personal magnetic attractiveness, ability to focus attention on the most important
things; (iv) ability to motivate him/herself and the others; (v) ability to set clear goals
for followers, to communicate with them confidently; (vi) a charm, communication skills, the
ability to find an individual approach to everyone, stimulate followers to professional and
spiritual development, the ability to affect their emotions and feelings; (vii) flexibility, tact,
openness, directness, reliability, self-confidence and many others.
As another aspect of our study, we look into differences between a charismatic leader
and a non-charismatic leader. We study the psychological relations of CL with a social
group, as well as the conditions and reasons for voluntary submission of this group to CL.
These conditions are: stimulating the followers to see themselves as an integral part of the
group and even participate in governing the group without considering themselves to be more
significant than their fellows; critical evaluation of the actions of CL and clear understanding
own actions rather than blind obedience to CL; greater satisfaction of followers in group activities
and communications; strengthening collective and organizational cohesion; coherence
between the goals of CL and its group members. We found out that those following CLs with
higher charisma become better motivated and are able to work with greater enthusiasm and
achieve better results.
We give a general description of CL, which covers various aspects of his activity. We
conclude that CL is a person who is strong and energetic enough to have an ability to influence
both large and small groups of followers, inspire the followers emotionally and spread
around his/her inner strength; who is creative and can inspite followers for extraordinary efforts
and actions. The article contributes towards a conceptual model adequately describing
specific organizational and socio-psychological aspects of the charismatic leadership outlined

Біографія автора

Zinaida Chervanova, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

PhD, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems
Management Department named after academician I. Zyazyun, National
Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine


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